Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Engaging with Enterprise Education

LEPs and local firms 'should engage with enterprise education'

(From the Business Advisers' News badnews@cobwebinfo.com )

Businesses should be encouraged through tax reliefs and other incentives to be more actively involved in enterprise and entrepreneurship education, a report by the All-Party Group for Micro Businesses has recommended. Other measures recommended in the report, 'An Education System Fit for an Entrepreneur', include requiring LEPs to have at least two board members who run a small or micro business, and requiring LEPs to demonstrate engagement with enterprise education, in order to qualify for Government funding, for example, through the Regional Growth Fund (RGF).

There is more about the report at:

written by Richard Wishart

Tuesday, 4 February 2014




Collette Parker from 20 20 Communications will lead this really important Seminar to help local businesses understand "Exposure" and how to work with the "Media"

Collette has had an impressive journalistic and editorial career. As well as working for the Hunts Post and the Cambridge Evening News she has also written for the Daily Express, Guardian Education, The Times and Elle Magazine.

Hywel Barrett who is the Business Reporter of the Hunts Post will be assisting Collette and explaining what he is looking for in a good local business story.

Good publicity is the lifeblood of any business and for start-up micro-businesses it is critical.

The event is £5 for HBN Members and £10 for non-members and the WI will be providing one of their famous "home-made" buffets

Please arrive at 1230 for food and networking - the seminar will start at 1300

(picture of Hywel by Mark Gibbons of Cheeky Monkey Photography  www.cheekymonkeyphotography.co.uk)
