Social Media: The coming Revolution in B2B
Jonathan Wichmann with the Maersk Story
If you think Social Media is all about posting on Facebook and Twitter you’re wrong. The real value is what comes afterwards. It’s about becoming a social business with a more digitally adept organisation and better, more efficient and effective touch points.
The full extent of the potential benefits of Social Media in trade and commerce is only now being realised. Over the next few years it will transform the way we do business.
Michael Chui the driving force behind the recent social media study published by McKinsey makes it clear that social media can no longer be ignored:
“It will be detrimental for companies that are unable to adept and exploit the social technologies and the associated optimisation opportunities. This may not happen this year or next but it will not be long. If you do not do it your competitors will and then, sooner or later, you will be out performed.”
Maersk, the container shipping company, recognised the importance and led by their Head of Social Media Jonathan Wichmann transformed the company into an acknowledged leader in the use of Social Platforms. The achievements of the programme are recognised worldwide and both Harvard and MIT have produced case studies for their syllabus.
On the 10th June Jonathan, now with Orca Social, will be in Cambridge to present the Maersk story at the Making Social Media work for your Business Event (Link) to be staged by Cambridgeshire Chamber & UKTI at the Moller Centre. He will give an account of the Maersk journey, explain his views on the right way to deploy Social Media and predict where current trends are leading.
Maersk may be a huge business but the lessons to be learnt from their trail blazing activities in the application of social technologies are as relevant to Micro business as they are to a Multinationals. All of us involved or having the ambition to be involved in shaping business strategy need to attend this symposium.
To book for this event:
http://www. newsevent.php?newseventid= 1474&ct=on
To book for this event:
Click link below or scan QR code below to read the fascinating social media story of the Whale