The traditional “Delivery Management” process is set for a dramatic and disruptive change as new “Cloud of Things” technologies start to appear. “Proof of Delivery” and “Confirmation of Delivery” business process models will be undergoing a substantive change. The picture above shows the very first ever “Address Beacon” fitted and working on the front door of my house.
The enabling technology is Bluetooth 4.0 Smart (also known as BLE or Bluetooth low energy) bidirectional radio. BLE beacons operate at 2.5GHz and using a standard coin battery can stay powered up for over a year. BLE is now standard on all new Android and Apple tablets and smart phones and the Bluetooth Smart interface is being built in to a whole range of wearable tech and personal area networks. BLE also connects smart watches and Google Glass augmented reality eyewear
I am currently using Estimote Beacons for my experimentation. This beacon incorporates a powerful 32-bit ARM® Cortex M0 CPU with 256kB flash memory, an accelerometer and a 2.4 GHz Bluetooth 4.0 Smart radio. The Beacon transmits regularly and the signal can be picked up by any smartphone or tablet within 70m range - unlike old-style Bluetooth there is no need for any pairing. A function called Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) allows the range from the Beacon to the Tablet to be calculated
So thats the technical part - but what would the Customer / Delivery Driver experience feel like ? About 70m from the delivery point the Drivers device would register the “Address Beacon” and receive contextual information from the Cloud about how and where to make the delivery. Google Street View could be used to guide the delivery driver to the exact delivery point required by the customer. As the distance to the exact delivery point reduces more accurate instructions can be provided.
At the point of delivery a “Delivery Token” can be passed from the recipient to the carrier to confirm that the delivery has actually taken place + <date and time> and any other contextual information. The Token that I am currently using for my “Address Beacon” is “139 PE29 !XY” which is the exact delivery postcode of my house but this is completely configurable.
Trying to draw a signature on a “brick” carefully balanced on top of the parcel whilst holding a struggling terrier in your other arm should become a thing of the past. Most so called signatures that are obtained are completely unreadable
We are very familiar with the concept of time triggering events Everybody understands Alarm Clocks and how they function. You now have location triggered events which kick-off particular actions when you are at a particular location. This is built into Google Now and could be activated by beacons as well as GPS. Imagine “When you are at 21 High Street” > “ring the bell and collect a package” or > “Take a Meter Reading”. Incorporation of “Parcel Delivery” as a subprocess of a Customers Higher Level Business processes is now very much a reality and Beacon and contextual information can now easily be integrated to augment business process management. I know of Apps with this specific functionality.
I believe that new “Cloud of Things” concepts will not just completely revolutionise postal and express delivery markets but will also be critical to the adoption of Omni-Channel eCommerce. In fact the first major and visible take up of Beacons will be in High Street retail. Imagine the following scenario.
You are in town looking to buy a new pair of work shoes. The BLE on your phone alerts you that there is an appropriate shoe shop 70m down the street. As you enter the shop the BLE detects a change in RSSI and your phone displays an internal schematic of the store and how to find the “Gentleman’s Business Shoes” section. As you arrive at the specific display stand - the context works out that you are looking for Black-Brogues, wide fitting, size 9.5 - in fact exactly the same as you bought the last time. Using the Beacon context the store sends a message to your phone screen. They have the exact shoes you are looking for on the stand and would like to offer you a 10% loyalty discount plus another 5% discount if you pay for the shoes using Google Wallet on your device. Press the accept button - job done !
When I receive the first delivery using my “Address Beacon” at No 139 I will write a blog article about the successful carrier. Who will pick up this challenge ?
Written by Richard Wishart
Business Systems Architecture
Delivery Management Ltd