G+ "Mentions" within Blogger
I think it is great when you come across a significant feature that you have missed. Came across this today and I had never seen it before but apparently it has been around for 18 months !! I had always been aware that you could "plus mention" within a G+ post - what I didn't know was that you could also "plus mention" within a Blogger post.
- When you type a "+" within the text and then start typing a name you will get suggestions of your connections for you to select and add.
- When you publish your post the mentioned names get added to the G+ post distribution
- When people are reading the post a "Hover card" appears when you hover the cursor over the mention which if clicked will take you to the persons G+ profile
+Chris Thomas +Mervyn Foster +Ann Hawkins
This is a really simple feature but for me it highlights the "social layer" concept within all Google products and how powerful this can be
What do you think?
Written by Richard Wishart