What maths and English skills do employers want and learners need for an effective UK Workforce in 2015?
Views are being sought from employers, colleges and learners
Mira Training Solutions is undertaking research on behalf of City & Guilds and are particularly interested in hearing from employers of apprentices between the ages of 16 and 25 in the sectors of Automotive, Engineering, Health and Social Care, Hospitality, Public Sector and Retail although the invitation is extended to all sectors.
The purpose of the project is to review the maths and English skills young employees need in order to be successful at work. We want to determine exactly what skills are important to employers and how best young people should develop these for mutual benefit. Please see the attached flyer containing some background information on the project.
This is a key piece of research for City and Guilds and the results will have national exposure as well as helping drive the design of C&G's maths and English qualifications.
The voice of the employers is one very important element of the research. We're holding a series of focus groups for employers and learners across the country and would like to hear your views.
We invite you to join the Cambridge-based focus group for a short breakfast meeting with coffee and croissants on:
Tuesday, 24th March - 8am to 9.30am at St John's Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 OWS (free parking on site)
I do hope you'll be able to take this opportunity to contribute to the debate about the changing nature of the essential skills needed by young employees in your organisation.
Please click here to register your attendance/interest in being contacted. Alternatively call either Angela on 01223 501405 or Trevor Weston on 07850 632280.
Kind regards
Angela Jervis
Associate - Mira Training Solutions
St John's Innovation Centre
Cowley Road
Cambridge CB4 0WS
T: 01223 501405 OR
Trevor Weston on
T: 07850 632280
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